From Unwanted to Unstoppable: The Blind and Deaf Dog Who Became a Foster Hero

Despite the challenges that Sherio has faced in life, he remains a kind and compassionate animal. He understands the fear and uncertainty that comes with being a foster animal in a new home. That’s why Sherio has become an invaluable source of comfort and security to other animals in need. While he may have experienced tough times in the past, Sherio now enjoys a warm and loving home where he can help others feel safe and loved.

Sherio, a furry little friend, has been through a lot in his quest for a permanent home. Besides being deaf, he also has partial blindness which makes his search even more challenging. He has moved between two shelters and twelve foster homes with the hope of finding a loving family to call his own. Unfortunately, his adoption story has been a bittersweet one as he has been adopted four times but returned each time.

After a while, he came across Sheryl Smith who accepted him for who he was, disabilities and all. Smith had already been involved in taking care of animals in need and when she met Sherio, she immediately decided to adopt him.

Sherio is over the moon that he has found a family that adores him. Ever since Smith adopted him, Sherio has made it his mission to spread happiness and positivity. To achieve this, he assists Smith in caring for and fostering all the animals they bring home.

Sherio goes above and beyond to ensure that the vulnerable animals he encounters feel secure and valued. He showers them with affectionate licks and kisses and strives to provide them with emotional support.

Smith, in a conversation with the Dodo, shared an incident where he rescued a pregnant dog who was incapable of nurturing her pups. After the rescue, Sherio, the dog, showed immense compassion and care by climbing in with the puppies and cleaning them. Since then, Sherio has continued his nurturing behavior with every rescue brought to Smith’s shelter. With feral cats and kittens, Sherio patiently sits beside them and establishes such a strong bond that they trust him even before they trust Smith.

Sherio’s deep concern for the animals he fosters can be attributed to his own experience of being in their shoes multiple times. Though he has now found a secure and lasting home, the memories of separation anxiety from his past continue to haunt him.

According to Smith’s statement to the Dodo, her child cries while sitting in the car, as he fears being dropped off at an unknown location. However, Smith and her family are taking necessary measures to boost his confidence level.

In the meantime, Sherio has proven to be a valuable support system for numerous animals requiring assistance. Smith recently welcomed a wild kitten named Tiny Tolley into their care, who was in dire need of attention.

Smith rescued a fragile and malnourished kitten, who wouldn’t have made it without her help. She provided the nursing care the kitten needed to regain strength and vitality. Sherio, being a loyal companion, kept watch over the kitten as Smith nursed her back to health.

When Tiny Tolley became brave enough to venture around the house, he didn’t hesitate to show his affection by giving some slobbering puppy kisses. Whether or not the kisses were welcomed, his presence and affection were always cherished.

Sherio has turned his past sorrows into a positive force in his new life, refusing to let them tarnish his present. While he still grapples with anxiety, his love and compassion for animals shine brighter than ever, improving the lives of every creature he encounters. We couldn’t be prouder of this amazing pup and are thrilled that he’s found a loving family who’ll always remind him that he’s safe, cherished, and has a permanent place in their hearts and home.

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