SHOCKING NEWS!!! FINALLY Kody SAYS Robyn is as DUMB as a BOX OF ROCKS + Ruin Kody’s Career of Business WHOLE FAMILY

Sister Wives Spoilers: FINALLY Kody SAYS Robyn is as DUMB as a BOX OF

ROCKS + Ruin Kody’s

Career of Business WHOLE FAMILY

Theories have circulated suggesting that Robyn Brown orchestrated a master plan to dominate the

family and secure Kody for herself, but some find this hard to believe. Despite appearing unintelligent, Robyn, a newly divorced Mormon with three children, may have thought joining Kody’s established plural family was a jackpot, expecting help and fewer responsibilities. Over time, she manipulated situations to do less while receiving more, leading to the family’s collapse.

Kody, not being particularly sharp, was easily influenced by Robyn. Their relationship disrupted the dynamic with his other wives, who once enjoyed more freedom and authenticity. Robyn, driven by insecurity and manipulation, failed to foresee the long-term consequences of her actions. She monopolized Kody’s time and resources, neglecting the needs of his other wives and children.

Before Robyn’s arrival, Kody’s family functioned with a somewhat traditional yet unconventional setup. His three original wives, Mary, Janelle, and Christine, faced financial struggles, lack of healthcare, and depression even before Robyn joined. Raised to please, Robyn’s presence altered the family’s dynamic. She aimed to be the favored wife, assuming the others would stick around, but her actions caused significant disruption.

Janelle Brown has reached a definitive point with Kody. Since separating from him in December 2022, she has focused on her children and pets, avoiding further drama. Kody, dealing with depression, has internalized his emotions and prioritized his own path, becoming increasingly distant from his family.

Christine Brown’s departure from Kody highlighted the isolation and fear the wives experienced, especially under Robyn’s influence. Her strength in leaving has been a testament to the power of therapy, which has helped her find peace and clarity. This shift unsettled Kody, who realized he could no longer control Christine.

Janelle’s recent Instagram posts show her dedication to her children and her intention to avoid further drama with Kody. Her decision reflects her commitment to her children’s well-being, moving beyond her partnership with Kody. The family dynamics have evolved significantly, with Janelle prioritizing her own path and the well-being of her children amidst ongoing challenges.

For more details, visit the [YouTube video](

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