One Man’s Love for Felines: How He Made a Difference in the Lives of 300 Cats by Opening His Home

Chris Arsenault’s love for cats became a significant part of his life in 2006, following the tragic loss of his son Eric in an accident caused by his malfunctioning motorcycle. Despite being heartbroken, Chris stumbled upon a group of 30 sick cats and kittens living in a colony outdoors near his neighborhood in Long Island, New York. He decided to take them into his home and nurse them back to health, discovering in the process that they provided him with the love and comfort he needed during this difficult time.

According to Arsenault, he realized that there were several other stray cats that needed help just like the ones he had rescued. Being a retired train conductor, he had enough time to devote himself to this noble cause. So, in 2007, he bought a piece of land and started converting it into a sanctuary for sick or injured stray cats. It was named Happy Cat Sanctuary, and people started calling him whenever they saw a cat in distress.

According to Arsenault, the majority of cats at the sanctuary were rescued from the streets or hoarding situations, while only a few were surrendered by their owners. In the beginning, the sanctuary was home to almost 70 cats, some of which could be adopted, but a significant number were semi-feral and unable to survive on their own without human assistance.

In the past, a generous benefactor contributed $200,000 to the sanctuary, which enabled Arsenault to enhance and extend the area to house more cats. As a result, the sanctuary now comprises a vast primary indoor cat house, several smaller cabins that are either heated or air-conditioned, and an extensive, enclosed outdoor space for felines with numerous tree structures and hammocks. At present, approximately 300 cats reside in the sanctuary, with the freedom to wander wherever they desire when the climate permits.

According to Arsenault, the size of the area is so vast that even a cat who prefers solitude can choose any spot as its own. He emphasized that his priority is ensuring the cats’ comfort and maintaining cleanliness in the area.

Fortunately, with the aid of a dedicated team, the felines residing in the sanctuary are content and cheerful. The daily routine commences at approximately 7 or 8 a.m., when Arsenault arrives to clear out the litter boxes and water dishes used by the cats during the night. Following this, breakfast is served, and it’s evident that the cats have adapted to their daily regimen.
Arsenault stated, “The cats get ecstatic when I enter in the morning. Our system works well, and everyone waits calmly.”
Aside from the ample free space available for the cats to roam around, the sanctuary has a medical wing to accommodate any sick or injured cats requiring extra attention and space to recuperate. Over the years, Arsenault has welcomed cats with various medical issues, including feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), injuries caused by vehicle accidents or from being used as bait in dogfighting arenas, and even those that were poisoned or shot at by humans.

There are some cats who may struggle to find their forever home at a regular shelter due to past trauma or special needs, but they can always find a home at the sanctuary. The founder of the sanctuary is aware that some cats may live there for the rest of their lives, but that’s perfectly fine with her.

Aside from providing essential care to cats in need, Arsenault is also responsible for a program that aims to control the feral cat population in Suffolk County, New York. This program involves trapping, neutering, and returning cats to their natural habitat, which has resulted in a significant decrease in the number of feral cats in the area. Additionally, when he receives reports of kittens in need, he takes them in and partners with All About Cats in Freeport to facilitate their adoption.

Throughout time, Arsenault has assisted in finding permanent homes for countless kittens and cats who were without one. Moreover, she has provided a secured haven to numerous felines who choose to live in a location where they can roam freely.

According to Arsenault, the joy of loving animals is immeasurable. She finds it extremely satisfying to witness healthy and happy cats climbing tree structures or soaking in the sun. This is precisely what nature had intended. Providing them with a secure haven and a good life is the ultimate goal. And for her, nothing could be better than that.

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