“Meet the Hefty Feline of NYC: A 28-Pound Cat that outmatches Bobcats in Size”

Let me introduce you to Samson, a hefty Maine Coon cat residing in New York City. Weighing approximately 28 pounds (that’s around 13 kilograms!), this adorable feline is not only heavier than most house cats but also bigger than wild bobcats. Samson measures around 4 feet in length and has earned the title of “the biggest cat in NYC.”
Believe it or not, this feline may hold the title for being the largest cat on the planet. Though the previous record holder sadly passed away in 2013, this enormous kitty measures an impressive 4.04 feet.
Jonathan Zurbel, the proud owner of Samson, describes his beloved cat as both adorable and strong. According to him, Samson embodies the term “gentle giant” perfectly, being a tough feline that is also gentle and affectionate. Contrary to common assumptions about large cats, Samson is not overweight but rather muscular and robust.
My kitty patiently lingers right outside my bedroom, eagerly awaiting the moment when he can saunter in and perch on my tummy. He’s gentle, affectionate, and incredibly obedient. Honestly, he’s the feline of my fondest dreams.

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