Cat Resides Among a Devoted Flock of Chickens Enamored with Him

Our life still exists things that are unknown, or unexplainable to us, like how this cat can not know why the chickens are so obsessed with him!

Scruffles is a typical fat cat. He likes to lounge around most of the day.

He is also an idol of his fan club of chickens, who love nothing rather than watching the boy doing nothing day by day — and we’re not talking about the impressive number of his 42k social network followers but about the chickens who line up to watch him do nothing all day. Whenever the cat comes for a sunbath near the glass door, the chickens become attracted by this white-haired boy and throw him watching eyes.

Meet Scruffles, the fat cat who has more admirers than you. Yup, other than lying around doing nothing all day, this particular fatty likes to strike a pose or two for the audience of chickens who see him through a glass door and marvel at the spectacle.


While it is unexplainable why the chickens are so obsessed with him, we know for sure that the cat loves his fans so much. He often chooses a perfect view for his feathered friends, acting comfortably and sometimes looking at them with loving eyes. The cat doesn’t just pose for his chickens. Sometimes, he gets them out for play. This handsome boy is also friendly, and tender with other cats. Scruffles’ siblings also love playing with him. He always appears to be cool, quiet, and sweet. Perhaps that is the reason why he was loved by most of his friends and humans.


Scruffles’ favorite spot is right in front of the screen door leading to the backyard. “If they’re just gonna stand there, I might as well give them something to look at.”


The chickens are always gathering at the door to watch him.



The cat’s special relationship with the chicken fan club also captures the attention and imagination of people. It brings smiles, laughter, and a sense of wonder to those who hear the story, reminding us of the joy and positivity that animals can bring into our lives.

Ultimately, the story of the cat with a fan club of chickens that are obsessed with him invites us to appreciate the extraordinary bonds that can be formed between animals, regardless of their species. It celebrates the diversity of animal relationships and encourages us to embrace and nurture these connections, fostering a world where all creatures can coexist in harmony.

May this heartwarming tale remind us to cherish the unique and beautiful relationships that animals forge, while inspiring us to create spaces where different species can thrive and interact in meaningful ways.

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