“Unleashing Hope: The Tale of a Brave Dog Battling Bone Cancer While Chained Behind the House”

GWARP was informed on September 22nd about an elderly dog that was being mistreated. The dog was chained up and deprived of food and water despite being in poor health. GWARP has been involved in animal rescue for several years but this was a new level of abuse for them. The dog seemed to be suffering from bone cancer which had never been treated. It had lived its life chained up in a short chain, feeding on waste and garbage. This lack of proper nutrition and vitamins led to the acquisition of osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer. According to the vet, this type of cancer is often caused by damage and infection that manifests as a tumor. Unfortunately, the person who reported the case witnessed the dog’s owner beating it while drunk. The owner had hidden the dog in his garden for years, tied up with a short metal chain making it impossible for him to move more than two feet.

Despite the GWARP rescue team’s request to save the boy, the owner declined, stating that they couldn’t take away “his possession.” Consequently, they sought assistance from the nearby police station. Upon leaving the dog, the team noticed how sad it appeared, almost like it was crying. Several hours passed, and they were finally able to produce the necessary documentation for the owner, who then changed his mind. He insisted that they report it before taking the dog away.

We made the tough decision for our dog to undergo medical checkups and blood tests due to his unfortunate condition. The sad reality is that our furry friend needs to have an immediate amputation, with tissue samples sent out for further testing in histology. It’s going to be a long journey, but it’s all for the well-being of our beloved pet.

The X-rays showed that our dog is suffering from osteosarcoma, a severe form of bone cancer. Thankfully, we were informed that there are no metastases in his target lung, which gives us some hope. However, the tumor is growing rapidly, causing the skin to tear as a result of its quick development. We need to act quickly as the growth seems to be getting worse by the day.

Jordan was given a much-needed bath to cleanse him of his previous owner’s negative energy and sad past. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done for him in Azerbaijan. He still needs some improvement before he can move to Turkey. Luckily, his travel date is only a few days away.

Upon his arrival in Istanbul, Jordan underwent a quick sedation procedure to undergo full-body X-rays in preparation for surgery. The amputation surgery successfully removed Jordan’s limb that was affected by the tumor. Thankfully, the procedure went off without any complications.

Three days have passed since Jordan underwent amputation surgery, and she has adapted quickly to her new life. Her appetite has returned, and she loves the food we give her. Let’s all continue to send our well wishes for a swift recovery and a bright future. Jordan, we all love you! You can watch the entire story in the video below and share it with your loved ones.