UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES!! Sister Wives: Janelle Plans To Sue Kody Robyn For Coyote Pass Property?

Amid all this, viewers recently noticed a shocking clue that hinted at Janelle’s future plans. They believe

that she has her master plan ready and is perhaps heading to sue Kody and Robyn for the Coyote Pass

property. Is this true? What is she up to now?


Janelle Brown wasn’t able to withdraw her funds when she parted ways with Kody. The Sister Wives star wasn’t lucky enough like Christine as the latter got her money back by reselling her house. But when it comes to Janelle, she still has her name stuck with the Coyote Pass property, and she has no hope that she’ll get her money back.

But now it seems that Janelle is willing to sue Kody and Robyn in court. A Reddit thread recently started with a poster that claimed the same. It was from a Facebook group that stated that Janelle was going to take the “bold move” of suing her former husband. Though the OP was also unsure if the celeb would think of doing this, the majority of the viewers felt that this was the right thing to do.

A user wrote, “I could see this being true.” Another one added, “Yes, she has every right to demand money.” Several Sister Wives fans pointed out that Janelle has already invested a lot in Kody and Robyn’s life. Hence, she has the right as well as the need to get her funds back. Some of them even talkedaout the “child support” matter and wondered why Janelle wasn’t taking money from Kody to raise her younger daughter, Savannah.

Sister Wives: Janelle Meri Can Team Up To Get Their Money Back From Kody

Some Sister Wives viewers came up with the idaof Meri and Janelle teaming up against Kody and Robyn. Apparently, the former was also not satisfied with the distribution of the Coyote Pass land. The lone wolf wondered why she wasn’t getting an equal share like other wives. Moreover, Meri has also invested a lot of money to make her former husband’s life better.

So, Meri and Janelle appear to be in the same boat. Apparently, they both are no longer with Kody and are completely on their own. Hence, viewers believe that the best thing for them would be to team against against the latter. This would make their case way stronger, and they would recover their funds as well.

sister wivesTLC: JANELLE BROWN

Most of the fans couldn’t control their excitement and wondered how interesting it would be if this property feud became part of the Sister Wives franchise. Many of them even claimed that they would be glued to the screens and were ready to buy tickets. However, these are just fans’ theories for now, and they are still waiting for the stars to take this big step.

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