The Tiny Felines’ Triumph: Surviving Against All Odds and Building an Unbreakable Connection After Being Deserted at a Week Old.

Approximately 60 days ago, a quartet of grey kittens was introduced to the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA) in search of a foster family. These felines were discovered without their mother and were estimated to be only a week old.

One kitten from the litter was not doing well at all. The poor thing was skinny, had a rough exterior, and was quite weak. It was clear that she needed specialized care from someone with experience. Fortunately, Penny Richards from AWLA was there to lend a hand. She decided to take on the entire litter, including the frail kitten.
In order to keep the young ones warm, Penny placed them all in an incubator since they were too small to regulate their own body temperature. With a gentle touch, she began to clean up the matted fur on the weak kitten, Twiglet. Penny made sure to feed the kitten regularly, offering small meals over time to slowly increase her strength and weight.

Twiglet received warm cuddles and affection from her littermates, Cherry Bakewell, Jaffa Cake, and Jammie Dodger, who seemed to want to aid in her recovery. They were provided with a snuggle toy that mimics the heartbeat of a mother cat. Within a day of arriving, Twiglet had gained over 20 grams and was feeling stronger. She could finally relax without the bothersome crust on her fur.

In the following days, she made remarkable progress and her hunger skyrocketed. According to Penny, “She bounced back quite fast – within a week of being with me, she grew twice her size, became more active, and her physical condition improved.” The quartet of chubby kittens would vocalize loudly whenever Penny walked in with their milk bottles. “They would demand food when hungry, but would purr contentedly when their tummies were full.”

As soon as the kittens became strong and healthy, they were promoted to better living quarters. A few of them immediately grasped the concept of the litter box, and the others simply copied their peers. The little felines adored taking naps in a cozy heap, but whenever Penny walked in, they would rush over to her lap to doze off instead.

Meet Jammie Dodger, the affectionate giant and self-sufficient “big sister” who reserves her most loving cuddles for when she’s sleepy. Although she doesn’t crave attention, once she’s tired, she can’t resist cozying up with her human companion.

Jaffa Cake is a lively and playful feline in the clowder. She enjoys being around humans, especially on their laps, and has a mischievous streak that comes out when she sees something moving. Jaffa Cake also knows how to use her big, adorable kitten eyes to get what she wants from her people.

Cherry Bakewell is a feline who loves to be surrounded by humans. She enjoys climbing on their shoulders and getting up close and personal, often touching noses. According to her owner, Jaffa Cake and Cherry Bakewell are inseparable and always want to be close to him.

Twiglet is an adorable and serene feline. She enjoys being petted and cuddled, and her purring will melt your heart. Despite her gentle nature, she keeps a watchful eye on her siblings while exploring the house. Twiglet is extremely cautious when descending the stairs, making sure that her companions are close to her. If she loses sight of them, she’ll emit a small meow, prompting her owner to come to her aid.

According to Penny, the connection between Jaffa Cake and Cherry Bakewell was evident from the beginning. The same could be said for Jammie Dodger and Twiglet.

It’s suggested to adopt these adorable creatures in pairs of two since they are a close group and enjoy each other’s company all the time.

These kittens may have faced some difficulties early on, but they persevered and have since flourished into healthy and robust felines. They are now on the lookout for their forever homes where they can live happily-ever-after.

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