“The Resilient Pup: How a Cleft Palate Couldn’t Silence His Spirited Bark”

The tiny newborn was clearly struggling, but he had a strong spirit and refused to give up. It’s easy to forget sometimes, but there are countless amazing individuals out there who go above and beyond to help others in need. Kathryn Mongrain, a licensed veterinary technician based in Houston, Texas, is one of these wonderful people. While she has worked in emergency rooms for years, in 2015 she decided to focus her efforts on caring for special needs infants. Her creation of “The Bottle Brigade” has provided a safe haven for these vulnerable animals who would otherwise be euthanized. And with her help, even a feisty little guy like Hammy, aka “The Sass Master,” has a chance at a happy life.

Tiny Paws Rescue, a charming non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing small-breed dogs in The Woodlands, Texas, entrusted Kathryn with the care of Hammy, a pup suffering from a cleft palate. Genny Zygmanik Murphy, the rescue’s founder and CEO, sought Kathryn’s aid due to the special needs of Hammy. During his initial days at The Bottle Brigade, Hammy had severe difficulties breathing, and his behavior was uncharacteristic. Despite his struggles, the determined young pup refused to surrender and continued to fight for his life.

Kathryn had to place her baby Hammy in the incubator due to his health condition. As he started feeling better after a few days, she slowly took him out of the incubator to help him adjust. However, every time she put him back in, he protested vehemently despite his fragile state. Even as a tiny infant, Hammy had the strength to rebel and question why he was being confined again. Kathryn vividly recalls how he was shouting fiercely, making his voice heard. Eventually, Hammy’s lungs improved, and he no longer had any breathing problems. From the moment he opened his eyes, he was eager to explore the world and express himself loudly. He was quick to let everyone know when he didn’t want to do something or wanted attention, making his presence felt even when no one was looking at him.

Despite being small in size, he had a powerful voice that he wanted to use to make himself heard. Kathryn elaborated that he had a habit of responding with sass whenever someone spoke to him. Once he recovered from his ailment, he would run around the house with great enthusiasm. Hammy even made a new friend, a Great Dane named Etta who weighed over 100 pounds. Despite the significant difference in size, Hammy fearlessly sassed her as if oblivious to the power dynamic. He accompanied his owner to work at the hospital every day and quickly made friends with everyone. Upon returning home, he was always eager to run around and play, according to Kathryn.

It seemed as though Hammy was fully aware of the opportunity he had been given and was determined to make the most of it. Despite his previous struggles, he was now thoroughly enjoying life. Once he had recovered enough, he returned to Genny, the kind woman who had originally brought him to Kathryn’s attention. Kathryn spoke of Hammy as a true wonder, his recovery instilling her with greater faith in all of her other animals. Through two separate cleft surgeries, Hammy persevered and has since grown into a strong and healthy young animal.

Genny excitedly updated her Facebook page with some great news about Hammy – he’s officially a “normal” puppy now! He eats and drinks from a bowl just like any other dog, which is a major milestone for this little fighter. While Hammy is still on seizure medication and has bells on his collar to alert him of potential seizures, he has come a long way despite suffering from emphysema smoker’s cough due to his previous pneumonias. Overall, Hammy is a true miracle who brings joy to everyone around him. This incredible journey is documented in the video below, thanks to the dedication of two amazing women who never gave up on him.

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