The fearless dog valiantly endures a snakebite while protecting its owner, demonstrating true heroism and unwavering loyalty.

A dog is the most dependable friend you can have. He is always willing to step in to protect you, even if it means putting himself in risk.

This is what a brave dog recently demonstrated after defending his young owner from a rattlesnake, even if it meant being bitten himself.

Alex Loredo, 18, of Harbison Canyon, California, is the owner of Marley, a Labrador. He first took the dog in to help him lose weight after suffering from health problems, and the two have been best friends ever since.



Last month, he was extremely fortunate to have Marley by his side, as the teen was in grave danger.


He told KGTV that he was outside his house when he heard a “loud clicking sound” and found himself face to face with a huge rattlesnake. Approximately one foot and a half in length.

Alex claims he “freaked out” and was bracing himself for a nasty snake bite…until Marley arrived.


“But before I could even turn around, Marley came in between us,” Alex recalls. “Marley basically shoved me out of the way.” He repeatedly barked at the snake.


Unfortunately, Marley’s boldness put him in danger, as the snake bit him twice, once on the tongue and once on the neck. Alex reacted swiftly, running in to save his dog’s life from the venom.


“There was blood everywhere, and Marley collapsed to the ground, screaming in pain,” Alex wrote. “I freaked out and drove him to the nearest vet, which was 5 miles away.”

“I was terrified, and I tried to remain calm and think quickly because time was not on our side.”

Marley was taken to a 25-mile-away pet hospital and given two venom shots. He had to stay in the hospital for several days, and veterinarians were afraid he’d have to have his tongue amputated.

Fortunately, Marley was unharmed and has already been released from the hospital to be reunited with his happy owner.

“If Marley hadn’t been there, I would have gotten bitten, and it would have been really bad,” Alex explained to KGTV. “Marley is a true hero.” They’re my best friends. I’m not sure what I’d do without him.”

Marley’s procedures were expensive, but Alex was willing to pay it to save his best friend’s life. Fortunately, GoFundMe donations paid the bills. The fundraising page surpassed its $8,000 goal.

Marley is an unsung hero. This demonstrates how devoted and protective dogs can be to their people. We are overjoyed that he is now safe!

Please spread the word about this incredible tale!



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