Ranking the Harshest Criticisms of Kody from His Sister Wives and Exes

Sister Wives' Kody Brown looking mad

The latest season of Sister Wives has shed light on Kody Brown’s shortcomings as a husband and father, with his exes and children openly criticizing him for showing favoritism towards Robyn and for his questionable spending habits. Even though Kody is accustomed to receiving hate from fans, he is now facing backlash from those closest to him. His ex-wives Christine and Janelle have already left him, and Meri is expected to do the same. Kody’s children are also vocalizing their disappointment in him. Despite some of the criticism being deserved, the comments are still brutal. As a result, Kody is feeling the pressure and seems to be unraveling on screen. He is extremely sensitive and only Robyn knows how to handle him. His ego is fragile, and he doesn’t want to be put down, even though he is all about Robyn. Some viewers have even expressed that they are glad Christine left Kody.

Sister Wives' Kody Brown, with Meri Brown and Robyn Brown, looking serious

Paedon directed a scathing remark towards Kody, referring to Christine’s decision to end her spiritual union with him. It was a significant move, as Christine had harbored issues with the relationship for years. She was consumed with jealousy and refused to befriend Robyn, whom she didn’t trust due to envy. Among the wives, Christine displayed her jealousy the most openly. She was very in tune with her feelings and didn’t hide who she was, but it made no difference as Kody was unwilling to change his ways for her. It wasn’t surprising that Christine eventually left, given how Kody favored Robyn for years, leaving the other wives feeling neglected and frustrated by the unfairness. Kody, a reality TV star, refused to acknowledge the truth that he emotionally checked out of his relationships with his non-Robyn spouses long ago. He projected his flaws onto these women who tried to seek his love and attention. The quote “Never apologize for having high standards, People who really want to be in your life will rise up to meet them” serves as a reminder to never settle for less than what you deserve, as true friends and loved ones will meet your expectations.

Meri Brown montage from sister wives one close up serious expression

Meri has a reputation for being cryptic, often posting vague messages on social media about her thoughts on Kody without actually naming him. While some of her posts may be straightforward, many are clearly intended to be mysterious. In the latest season of Sister Wives, Meri is still trying to work things out with Kody, but it seems like a losing battle. Kody has made it clear that he is not willing to meet Meri’s “high standards,” and has even suggested that she move into a converted barn. Throughout all of this, Robyn has been playing both sides, pretending to be Meri’s friend while secretly vying for Kody’s attention. She has even gone so far as to publicly state that Kody would be disrespecting her by taking another wife. It’s clear that Meri is in a difficult situation, and with rumors swirling that Kody has been spending all of their money, things are only getting worse.

Sister Wives’ Gwendlyn Brown and Kody Brown looking shocked

Gwendlyn Brown, one of Kody’s children, possesses a confident and outspoken personality similar to her father. Other siblings, such as Gabriel Brown, are more reserved. Gwendlyn enjoys being in the limelight and has her own YouTube channel where she can both express herself and earn money. During one of her rants on the platform, she openly criticized her father for his spending habits and accused him of being irresponsible with their family’s finances. This is not the first time Kody’s spending has been called into question, as some of his other children have also expressed concern that he favors Robyn and her children over his other wives and offspring. Reports suggest that Kody and Robyn live in an expensive house in Flagstaff worth nearly a million dollars, and Kody has been seen wearing pricey jewelry. It is possible that Kody’s spending exceeds his means, despite earning a good income. Some viewers have criticized Kody for not being a responsible “man of the house.”

Sister Wives Paedon, Christine and Kody

Paedon and Gwendlyn have a tendency to criticize their father publicly, which may lead to regret in the future. Growing up in the public eye has made them comfortable with expressing their opinions to an audience. Paedon’s recent comment on social media about Kody not being a “true man of the house” was a direct blow to Kody’s image, as he values patriarchy and being in control. Kody is insecure about his leadership skills and takes negative feedback to heart, making it difficult for him to move past problems. To reconcile their differences, both Paedon and Kody need to forgive each other, but currently, there is bad blood between them. It is uncertain whether they will be able to patch things up, but there is always hope. On a different note, Leon has taken a step back to focus on their emotional wellbeing by creating space for themselves.

leon brown sister wives smiling

Gwendlyn recently confronted Kody about his lack of support for their child, Leon Brown, who is transgender. Kody’s apparent lack of understanding hurt Leon deeply, leading them to ask for distance from their father for the sake of their emotional well-being. According to a source, Kody does not support Leon’s transition, which is a shame, as parents should love and accept their children unconditionally. It’s good that Leon has taken steps to prioritize their happiness by seeking space from their father. Despite not being very active online, Leon is clearly a strong individual who bravely embraced their true identity. In contrast, Kody often plays a part, whereas Leon is honest about who they are. Kody could learn from his trans child’s authenticity. Gwendlyn expressed that she was hoping Kody would be more supportive of Leon’s journey.

Meri Brown montage from Sister Wives meri with two different expressions

In the latest episode of the series, Meri remains in a constant state of waiting. She yearns for Kody to express his affection towards her, as highlighted in the aforementioned quote. However, Meri’s journey leading up to this point has been turbulent, marked by her passive nature and tendency towards being passive-aggressive. While waiting can sometimes be beneficial, Meri’s passivity seems to have caused her more harm than good. Eventually, she stopped waiting for Kody, and that proved to be a positive step for her. Despite appearing content on Instagram, Meri still posts cryptic messages alluding to her emotional investment in Kody. If only she had been more forthcoming with her feelings during their spiritual union, they may have had an explosive argument that could have led to a clean break, saving them both time and heartache. As Meri puts it, “some days, it feels like a deal-breaker.”

Image of Robyn looking shady, with insets of Meri Brown, Janelle Brown and Christine Brown from Sister Wives

Robyn, who is known for her calm demeanor, is expressing her frustration with Kody during the current season of the show. She’s struggling to live with the irritable father of 18 children. In a departure from her usual behavior, Robyn made a passive-aggressive comment about Meri’s treatment of Kody and suggested that it could be a deal-breaker. This is a significant change for “Sobbin’ Robyn,” who typically tries to mollify Kody. However, she has become more assertive and is finally speaking up about her experiences. While she still loves Kody, she is becoming increasingly frustrated with him. He’s difficult to live with, and even though Robyn can also be high-strung, Kody’s moodiness and bitterness are making it challenging for her to cope. Despite this, Kody doesn’t seem to realize that he is part of the problem.

2 “Middle Finger Up”

Robyn, the usually composed member of the family, is speaking out against Kody during the current season, revealing that she’s having a hard time living with the disagreeable father of 18 children. She’s typically passive-aggressive, but this time around, she’s using stronger language. Commenting on Meri’s behavior towards Kody, Robyn suggested that it could be something that would cause her to leave him, an uncharacteristic statement coming from “Sobbin’ Robyn.” She’s no longer trying to placate Kody and is finally voicing her frustrations. While she still loves him, she’s growing increasingly irritated with his inability to recognize his own issues. His mood swings and bitterness are making it difficult for her to deal with him, even though she knows she can be high-strung as well. Despite her concerns, Kody isn’t changing his ways.

Sister Wives Janelle Brown wearing an exasperated look on her face

Throughout this season of Sister Wives, Janelle has attempted to maintain a civil relationship with Kody, but her anger and resentment towards him are palpable due to the many challenges she has faced. While Kody may believe that Janelle only desires him physically, he fails to understand who she truly is. Though Janelle loves Kody, she has ultimately decided to leave him after a fiery argument about various issues related to parenting and financial matters. The ongoing season has highlighted the difficulties of plural marriage, particularly for women who must submit to their husbands or face expulsion. As evidenced by the ongoing struggles of the Brown family, polygamy can take a tremendous emotional toll on everyone involved, leaving them feeling exhausted and trapped. Though Sister Wives set out to change societal perceptions of plural marriage, it has inadvertently reinforced the stigma associated with the practice. Despite the crumbling relationships within the Brown family, Kody and Robyn’s bond remains strong, although even that seems to be hanging by a thread.