Once Upon a Purrfect Time: The Heartwarming Tale of a Kitten’s Journey to Her Forever Home through Rehoming

I have a fondness for Tuxedo cats, particularly those with luscious coats. A specific Tuxedo kitty named Wednesday, who hails from Scotland, had a rough beginning when his prospective adoptive family fell through. Nonetheless, he has now found a forever home with a doting family that will never let him go.
Recently, Amber was on the hunt for another furry friend to add to her brood, and she came across Wednesday’s picture on an online classifieds website. Immediately, she felt a connection with him and reached out to obtain more information. Knowing that Wednesday required a new home as soon as possible, she acted swiftly and decisively.

The person who shared a post about an adorable black and white kitten was assisting a friend, but lacked much information about the little feline. However, Amber stepped in to acquire more details and informed her fiancĂ© to take the kitten under their care. Upon arrival, Amber was smitten by the cute and fluffy kitten, which seemed to be a blend of Maine Coon and Siberian breeds. The kitten adjusted with ease to its new environment. Amber promptly scheduled a vet appointment for vaccinations and a check-up, where she discovered something unexpected – the kitten was actually male, not female. After being captivated by pictures of the charming kitten named Wednesday, I contacted Amber to learn more about this remarkable and delightful furball. Continue reading to unveil more about Wednesday!

How did Wednesday become a part of your family? It all began when I was on the hunt for a new feline companion and chanced upon an ad featuring him. The moment I saw his picture, I knew he was the one. Worried that he might have already found a home, I contacted the advertiser, who spoke limited English and had little knowledge about the kitten’s age and vaccination history. As it turned out, the man was helping his friend, who had to leave the country, find a suitable home for the little guy. Despite the uncertainty, we decided to take a chance and bring him home. The following day, we took him to the vet for a health check and shots.

Initially, I thought he was a female and named him Wednesday after the iconic character from the Addams Family. But as it turned out, Wednesday was a boy, and I kept the name and shortened it to “Wedwed.” Since then, Wedwed has become an irreplaceable member of our family. Don’t miss out on the latest feline updates, join the club today to access exclusive articles, guides, reviews, and more.

Could you provide a portrayal of Wednesday’s character?
Wednesday has a changeable disposition based on his current state of mind. He relishes cuddles and can be affectionate, but he’s also prone to hissing at Elvis, his French bulldog housemate.
Who are the other animals in Wednesday’s household?
Wednesday shares his abode with Curly, the poodle whom he adores, and Elvis, the French bulldog who he dislikes. In addition, there are three cat companions in their home named Simba, Snowflake, and Brillo.
What distinguishes Wednesday from others?
Wednesday’s purring resembles that of a tractor engine and is quite loud! It seems as though he was predestined to be with his owner.
I’m deeply appreciative of Wednesday’s owner for allowing me to share his tale with Cattitude Daily readers. Despite having his life turned upside down before finding his owner, he has now found his permanent residence.

The pictures showcased on this platform are solely owned by Amber McConnell.