Left Alone Days Before Delivery, Pregnant Woman Faces Rejection and Neglect from Society

The Animal Rescue of Anton got a call on March 17th regarding a pregnant dog in Coronado who was left to fend for herself. The poor canine was about to give birth and had been abandoned a few days ago. Although some kind people gave her food, many others shooed her away, forcing her to hide in a field next to the highway. She was breathing heavily and both she and her puppies were in danger.

Thankfully, a kind-hearted woman spotted her and contacted the Animal Rescue Of Anton to help her out. Although the rescue team managed to reach her, she ran away as they approached her. However, they didn’t want to scare her by chasing after her too quickly. Instead, they followed her slowly until she became exhausted and rested on the ground. Then, they attempted to lure her with food into the cage, which luckily succeeded. Consequently, they immediately secured the cage while trying to soothe her down. Fortunately, she appeared to be alright and didn’t panic while inside the enclosure.

The doctor informed us that the mother is close to delivering her babies. Thankfully, an ultrasound scan showed that all her fetuses are healthy and about 10 of them are on their way to this world. Although they appear a bit smaller than usual, they should be fine. However, her hip is slightly displaced due to a severe infection caused by parasites. The first step is to eliminate all visible parasites and then apply a medication wash to prevent further contamination. To our relief, the mother was well-behaved and didn’t show any signs of aggression during the procedure.

All set and nervous, she finally gave birth to 11 gorgeous puppies and thankfully, all of them are healthy and cute. We welcomed them into the world on March 22nd and we can’t get enough of their adorableness – 6 males and 5 females in total! Don’t forget to share the good news with your loved ones!
As for the Lorem Ipsum content, it seems to be gibberish text used as a placeholder in design and publishing.