Heartwarming Tale: Mama Dog Left at Shelter During 9th Week of Pregnancy Delivers 14 Adorable Puppies

On the night of December 22nd, someone abandoned Mam Nata in front of IAPA. This poor dog is about 8 weeks pregnant and close to delivering her puppies.

Upon discovering Natajuli, the Instituto Amor em Patas (IAPA) found her to be in a very weak state and unable to stand. She was also extremely terrified and it took some time for the volunteers to calm her down. Her previous owner abandoned her due to her fear of approaching puppies. At first, Natajuli was very guarded around the shelter volunteers and used all of her energy to keep them away from her. However, after a while, she began to relax and became more sociable. One volunteer noted that Natajuli’s belly was quite large, possibly containing 13 or 14 babies, and they scheduled an ultrasound to ensure everything was in order. Natajuli returned to the shelter with assistance for the delivery, and she successfully gave birth to 14 adorable puppies, much to everyone’s delight.

Natajuli and her litter of 14 pups paid a visit to the veterinarian for a quick examination, including an ultrasound and blood work. Natajuli appeared to be a bit flustered, possibly from the stress of the vet visit. Nonetheless, her little ones were all healthy and well-fed, each weighing a considerable amount. The sight of the precious puppies brought tears to the owner’s eyes, who couldn’t resist feeling the urge to smother them with kisses.

Whoops! I completely forgot to give names to my 14 adorable little creatures. Naming them seems like a challenging task, but it’s also quite fun. If you have any suggestions for names that you love, feel free to share them in the comments below!