Feline Friends Encourage Each Other’s Journey to Cozy Abode

A pair of feline buddies encourage each other as they scurry towards a cozy abode.

brother sister kittens

Abby Meltzer, a foster parent residing in Washington D.C., received a communication regarding a litter of recently born kittens that had been taken to a shelter. The helpless little ones required bottle feeding and were only a few days old. Without wasting time, Abby went to get them and discovered that there were three kittens in total, but unfortunately, one of them didn’t survive. Abby noticed that Poki and Appa, the surviving two, had an unusual way of moving. They used their back legs to push themselves while their arms remained stationary by their sides. Despite the situation, Poki and Appa held on to each other for emotional support, especially the big brother Poki.

bonded kittens

Upon discovery, the two newborns were found outside and only a few days old. Upon being taken in, Poki was quick to adapt to bottle feeding, but Appa required some assistance through tube-feeding. Despite their young age, Appa displayed bravery and curiosity, venturing outside of the nest to explore. She may have been the runt, but her development was ahead of schedule.

bonded kittens

The kittens formed a heartwarming connection as they received nurturing attention and affection. They gained weight and developed greater vitality through the tender care and support they received. Despite their limited use of their front legs, they displayed incredible perseverance and tried to explore their surroundings by crawling forward using their back legs and bodies. They even attempted to move faster in their enclosure.

tiny kitten

Poki, the elder sibling
Abby Meltzer shared that she had been providing physical therapy to her kittens five times a day. After 1.5 weeks, both of them were able to use their front paws. As they grew older, their mobility improved, but Abby noticed that they were still shakier than typical kittens of their age.

tabby kitten

Appa, the smallest of the litter, proved to be the feistiest and most vocal of the bunch. Despite their unsteady movements, the kittens were determined to have a good time. Appa, in particular, possessed a diverse range of meows that ranged from barely audible to proud lion-like roars. As seen in a video featuring Poki and Appa, Abby Meltzer allowed the kittens to roam freely for a brief period after each feeding to encourage them to move around and stretch their legs.

bottle kittens

As the kittens turned three weeks old, they moved to their own designated play area where they could frolic and enjoy themselves endlessly. Despite their unsteady gait, they supported each other with encouraging cheers.
The kittens were overjoyed to have more room to explore, wrestle, and engage in all sorts of playful behaviors.

best friends kittens

According to Abby Meltzer, the kittens were still unsteady on their feet after four weeks, but she continued to help them improve by stretching their limbs and motivating them to be active. She also noticed that both of the kittens had Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome, which means that their chest cavity wall was compressed.

tiny talkative kitten

Despite being small in size, Appa is a chatty little cat with plenty of opinions to share. Although Appa has some minor physical abnormalities, they shouldn’t have any negative impact on her overall well-being. However, her brother Poki’s deformities are more noticeable and require specialized attention from the veterinary team.

sweet kitten

Meet Poki, the adorable feline who is just six weeks old but already full of energy and bravery. This little kitty is not afraid to climb and impresses everyone around with his skills.

kitten cat tree

Abby Meltzer describes him as a courageous and daring creature. These two siblings have a close bond and enjoy each other’s company. Poki is grateful for his sister’s unwavering support as he embarks on his path to healing.

inseparable kittens

Let your buddies know about this heartwarming tale. Stay in the loop on Instagram @catsandfrittatas for more updates on Abby’s foster kittens.