Double the Sniffs: Meet Memphis, the Two-Nosed Cat who Defies the Odds

The diversity of nature is truly amazing. If everything was perfectly beautiful, it would become monotonous and dull! However, some people tend to stick to patterns when observing reality. Take for instance a newly born kitten – healthy, energetic, full of life and vigor. Although there is a peculiarity in the structure of its muzzle: a split palate and not one but two noses! But this does not stop the kitten from doing what kittens do best – playing, meowing and eating. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! Both noses work perfectly, allowing the kitten to breathe deeply and take in more oxygen. This unique feature doesn’t affect its respiratory system, making it a truly remarkable creature.

A cat with two noses breathes 2 times better! Memphis says hello to everyone who wanted to put him to sleep...

So, what happens to these cats as they grow up? Well, during their cute and cuddly kitten stage, many people are drawn to them and love taking selfies with them. However, once they start growing and lose their unique appeal, they are often abandoned or labeled as “ugly,” “monstrous,” or “scary.” It’s a sad reality for these animals.

A cat with two noses breathes 2 times better! Memphis says hello to everyone who wanted to put him to sleep ... pic 2

It’s unclear what you would do in this scenario, but the owners of the Memphis cat made the decision to surrender him to a Massachusetts city shelter. Their reason was that they were unable to take care of him anymore. However, it’s worth noting that taking care of a cat like Memphis isn’t particularly difficult. He is a healthy and well-behaved cat who can look after himself. All he needs is some food and affection from his owner.

A cat with two noses breathes 2 times better! Memphis says hello to everyone who wanted to put him to sleep ... pic 3

It’s up to those individuals to bear the responsibility, but there’s no denying that Memphis has been going through a difficult time lately. Unfortunately, when it comes to animal shelters with limited resources, formalities tend to fall by the wayside. As a result, Memphis was unfortunately slated for euthanasia as a last resort. It’s a heartbreaking situation that no one should have to go through.

A cat with two noses breathes 2 times better! Memphis says hello to everyone who wanted to put him to sleep ... pic 4

The feline with dual nostrils deserves a chance at life just like any other cat! Thankfully, the animal welfare group “Unusual Feline” was made aware of this distinctive creature and promptly rescued it. The kitty received love and affection right away, which is no surprise considering its charming features, such as adorable freckles, a playful mustache, and a well-kept beard.

A cat with two noses breathes 2 times better! Memphis says hello to everyone who wanted to put him to sleep ... pic 5

His personality is very warm and lovable, plus his tail is absolutely fantastic! Did you notice the charming white ring?


A cat with two noses breathes 2 times better! Memphis says hello to everyone who wanted to put him to sleep ... pic 6

Memphis is feeling joyful as he eagerly anticipates his upcoming stay with a foster family next week.


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