“Adorable Rodent Catches Z’s in Comfy Nest of German Shepherd Pal’s Fluff”

Nuka, the black German shepherd, is a kind-hearted dog who had the privilege of growing up surrounded by a diverse group of animals. From large to small, hairless to fluffy, feathered to scaled, he harbored affection for all of them. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that he would warmly accept yet another tiny pet into his loving abode.


In an interview with The Dodo, Nicole Yates, the owner of a gentle and intelligent dog named Nuka, shared how her furry companion bonded with a new member of the family. Due to the pandemic, a local pet store had to close and was in dire need of emergency homes for their animals. Nicole didn’t hesitate to adopt a white and grey rat and gave him the name Blue. Upon arriving at his new home, Blue immediately sought out comfort and found it in Nuka. The two different animals quickly became close, with Blue cuddling up to Nuka’s black fluffy fur. According to Nicole, Blue had an instant connection with Nuka compared to her other rats and even ran to find him whenever he was put down on the ground.


The internet is filled with adorable animal pairings, but these two take the cake. What makes this friendship even sweeter is their significant size difference. It’s not every day that you see a massive German shepherd cuddling up with a tiny rat.

Thanks to Nuka’s mother, he has acquired a calm and gentle nature. When he was a pup, she taught him to lie down and stay calm when small animals were brought into the room. This training helped him become comfortable around little creatures, and he was allowed to play with them once he was calm.

Blue is one lucky rat to have a German shepherd as his BFF. Not only do they play together, but Blue also gets to take cozy naps snuggled up in Nuka’s fluffy fur. It’s heartwarming to see how hesitant Nuka is to move while Blue is catching some Zs. According to their owner, “Blue is very easygoing, so all he wants is to be around Nuka, either snuggled into his mane or lying on his belly. Nuka likes to give Blue a bath with his licks, which Blue doesn’t seem to mind at all.”


Take a peek at Blue’s Instagram to witness how he utilizes Nuka as his personal playground, alongside his other furry companions. Enjoy their adorable escapades and share their delightful moments with your loved ones.