A Little Pup’s Triumph: How a Tiny Injured Dog Helped Me Overcome Despair and Find Redemption

As a certified veterinary technician, I have had the privilege of caring for several injured pups throughout my career. Working in emergency medicine has brought me in contact with countless furry companions in dire need of immediate medical attention. However, there was one particular incident that touched me deeply.

It was almost five years ago when I arrived at the animal hospital for my typical shift. As I walked across the room, I noticed a little puppy sitting on the treatment table. She had multiple wounds and appeared to be traumatized by her harrowing experience.

As the technician attending to the wounded pup was occupied with other patients, I decided to take responsibility and care for her myself. The sight of her small stature riddled with numerous puncture wounds left a strong impression on me. Despite her physical trauma, the puppy displayed an admirable level of resilience. As I delved deeper into her condition, it became evident that she was in an incredibly dire situation.

A little pup was hurt badly after being attacked by two large dogs. The incident left her severely injured and helpless. The owner, who wanted to introduce her new pet to friends, placed her on the ground next to their older dogs without realizing that it was not the right way to introduce canines to each other. The result was horrifying as the older dogs attacked the little one mercilessly. The situation was grave, and the puppy was on the brink of death. Unfortunately, the owner did not comprehend the seriousness of the matter as she was too young to understand the significance of taking care of a vulnerable creature like this pup.

Upon being subjected to various examinations, it was discovered that she had sustained several severe injuries which included fractured ribs, a shattered thigh bone, a broken hip, and was in a state of shock due to the trauma. Even if she pulled through this terrible ordeal, her recuperation would be a lengthy one. The young proprietor came to the realization that she couldn’t give the puppy the necessary care she required moving forward, and contemplated taking her home as is. It was at this juncture that I became very invested in the welfare of the young pup, and offered to take her in as my own. Without any further delay, she was entrusted to my custody, and my journey with this exquisite puppy began.

Our journey to recovery began when I welcomed Ellie into my life. Fondly calling her by that name, we embarked on a long road towards healing. While undergoing this process, I encountered some personal struggles that needed attention. Nonetheless, Ellie was my constant companion, leading me through what felt like the toughest challenge of my life.

Ellie had to undergo a hip repair procedure called FHO, and also had external fixators attached to her femur for a duration of 8 weeks, while staying in the hospital to recover from shock. The healing process was quite extensive, but it was all worth it in the end as it allowed Ellie to finally be the lively and playful puppy she always wanted to be!

After her treatment, Ellie became an amazing friend who supported me during difficult times such as sleepless nights, immense grief and every challenge I faced on my journey to sobriety.

After battling with addiction, I’ve been able to maintain sobriety for 5 years and I credit my progress to the unwavering support of my beloved canine companion, Ellie. She is truly my heart dog and I can’t imagine my life without her by my side.