“The Feline’s Jubilation: Rescued Just in Time for Snuggles and Companionship”

Towards the end of October, a little black and white fur ball was discovered on the streets, all by himself and without a mother figure. He didn’t seem to be doing too well, with signs of an unhealthy disposition like a runny nose and severe eye infection that prevented him from opening his eyes.

The little kitty was having difficulty breathing and was completely blind. Luckily, a compassionate individual took the kitten in and brought it to a shelter. However, the shelter was unable to provide any assistance due to a lack of resources. To help this furry friend, the shelter reached out to Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a group of animal activists in the area.

According to animal advocate Celine Krom, the kitten was extremely tiny and weak, so they immediately took him away. They gave him the name Binks and promptly took him to the veterinarian. Luckily, Binks showed signs of improvement once he was able to breathe through his nose again and regained his eyesight after a period of time.

According to Celine, the feline eagerly went for his food bowl once his eyes and nose were no longer congested. He then cozied up in the arms of one of the people present, making it clear that he enjoyed being petted, and emitted a soft purring sound.

Jess, a kind-hearted volunteer for foster care, took Binks under her wing and gave him a temporary home where he could undergo therapy in a comfortable and loving environment. With the help of medication and Jess’ frequent hugs, Binks recovered quickly within just a few days. The cozy home was filled with the presence of friendly neighborhood cats, adding to the warmth and comfort that Binks desperately needed.

Every day, a lovely feline snuggled up on its “mom’s” lap, almost as if it was its own bed. Even today, whenever Jess takes a seat, Binks quickly runs over and jumps on her knees. The cat regained its strength with confidence, making sure to eat with care. It became extremely active and energetic.

Binks is an admirer of human beings, and he relentlessly seeks their attention. He is a cuddly creature who demands affectionate embraces from every individual he happens to meet.

According to Celine, the little one is doing well and frequently engages in conversations to convey his emotions or update others on his day. He enjoys being in the company of others and desires their presence all the time.

Celine expresses her amazement at the transformation of the kitten that arrived a few weeks ago and hardly moved. It’s incredible how one can change with a second chance!