“Unlikely Miracle: Abandoned Kittens Overcome the Odds and Form Unbreakable Bond at One Week Old”

Around eight weeks ago, a quartet of grey felines arrived at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA) and required a foster home. These little ones were discovered outdoors without a mother when they were only a week old.

One of the kittens in the litter was in a sorry state, with a bony frame, scaly skin, and a weak disposition. It was clear that this kitten required specialized attention from an experienced caretaker. Fortunately, Penny Richards from AWLA took up the challenge and chose to care for all four kittens.

Penny placed the little ones in an incubator to keep them snug and warm since they were not yet able to maintain their body temperature. She gave special attention to the weakest kitten, Twiglet, by carefully cleaning her tangled fur and feeding her small, frequent meals to help her regain her strength and gain some weight.

The other adorable kitties in the litter, namely Cherry Bakewell, Jaffa Cake, and Jammie Dodger, surrounded Twiglet with cute cuddles and gentle purrs as if to comfort her. They were provided with a snuggle toy that resembled their mother’s heartbeat to keep them company. Within a day of being brought in, Twiglet experienced a weight gain of more than 20 grams and exhibited newfound energy. She could now rest without the irritating crust on her coat.

In the following days, she continued to make progress and had a great appetite. Penny shared that she improved rapidly and within a week of being under her care, she doubled in size, became more active, and appeared healthier. Whenever Penny came in with their bottles, the four chubby kittens would meow loudly when they were hungry, but were very content and quiet after they were fed.

Once they were in good health and had grown sufficiently, they were promoted to better living quarters. A few of them promptly learned how to use the litter box while the rest simply followed suit. They relished their nap time in a cozy cuddle-puddle, but upon Penny’s arrival, they would rush over to her lap to slumber instead.

Jammie Dodger is like a big sister who likes to do things on her own. However, when she gets tired, she becomes a gentle giant who loves to cuddle. She doesn’t really like to be pampered, but when she’s sleepy, she always leans on her owner.

Jaffa Cake is a lively and playful cat who loves to cling onto her human. She’s known for being the loudest and most mischievous of the group, often attacking anything that moves during playtime. When she wants something, she’ll give you those sad kitten eyes that are hard to resist. Her favorite spot to play is on her owner’s lap, where she spends most of her time.

Cherry Bakewell is a sociable feline who loves to be around people. She enjoys climbing onto their shoulders and getting up close and personal, often coming nose-to-nose with them. Her human companion affectionately describes her as inseparable from her feline friend, Jaffa Cake, stating that they both constantly want to be near her.

Twiglet, the adorable feline, has a calm demeanor and a charming personality. She enjoys getting attention and cuddles from her human companion, purring contentedly with a smile on her tiny face. While exploring the house, Twiglet is always careful to keep an eye on her siblings, and if she loses sight of them, she emits a soft meow until she is safely reunited with them.

According to Penny, who spoke with Love Meow, it was evident right from the start that there was a close connection between Jaffa Cake and Cherry Bakewell, as well as between Jammie Dodger and Twiglet.

It’s best to adopt these furry friends in pairs because they are extremely close and love spending time together. They’re a tight group!

These little felines had a rough beginning, but they persevered and have now become healthy and robust. They are eagerly searching for their forever homes where they can live happily ever after.

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