“Tiny Feline in Adorable Guinea Pig Cone – A Heartwarming Tale of Kittenhood”

The little feline is so tiny that he had to wear a cone meant for guinea pigs after undergoing surgery on his leg.

cute ginger kitten cone

Meet Finnegan, the adorable ginger kitten who had a tough beginning. After being attacked by another animal, he was fortunately rescued by a kind-hearted individual who brought him to safety. Sadly, his front right leg was badly broken, but his rescuers did their best to assist him by making a makeshift splint and contacting various rescue organizations for aid. Fortunately, Baby Kitten Rescue responded to the call and took him under their care. Finn was fortunate to survive the attack and receive the necessary medical attention.

ginger tabby kitten

The cute little kitten, Finn, was saved by the baby kitten rescue team after they found him with a broken leg. Without wasting any time, they immediately took him to an animal hospital where the doctors discovered that his humerus bone was broken in half. The situation was so critical that Dr. Jacobo had to perform emergency surgery the next day to fix the little furry friend’s leg. Despite being just 3.5 weeks old and weighing only 0.6 lb, Finn made it through the operation successfully and his leg was pinned back together.

ginger tabby kitten finn

The team at @babykittenrescue had attached an external fixator to keep the pins in position, which will be taken out once Finn recovers. The very next day after his discharge, Finn was already up on his feet and even attempted to play, leaving everyone in awe of his strength and resilience. He recovered smoothly, and within a week, he was already using his leg again.

kitten on scale

After undergoing leg surgery, Finn returned home with a cute little cone. Despite his small size, Finn’s personality is fierce and he never lets anything dampen his spirits or ruin his fun. During a recent visit to the vet, it was discovered that his cone was a bit too big for comfort. As a result, his owners have initiated a quest to find the perfect cone that will fit him perfectly.

ginger kitten finn

Babykittenrescue experimented with various cone sizes after finding that the new cone was too large for the kitten. They tested out the tiniest cone possible, which turned out to be almost as big as Finn himself. However, the kitten remained uncomplaining and even used the cone as a pillow during his naps and continued to play with ease. His laid-back attitude never faltered, even when faced with bulky cones that were difficult to maneuver.

sleeping kitten cone

The Twitter account @babykittenrescue shared a story about a tiny kitten that had trouble finding the right size cone to wear. The hospital created a custom-made cone for the little feline, but the one they made during the follow-up appointment was too big. The rescue group did some research and discovered that guinea pig cones were the perfect solution, and they worked wonderfully for the kitten.

kitten cone finn

Babykittenrescue discovered compatible guinea pig cones which suited their pet perfectly. The moment the guinea pig adorned the new Elizabethan collar, it began to play with enthusiasm and vitality. It even rolled around Caroline’s lap and attempted to assist her with her phone.

playful ginger kitten

Caroline shared with Love Meow that Finn is a resilient little kitten who refuses to let anything hinder his playful spirit. Despite the pins in his leg and the cone he has to wear, Finn remains sweet, happy, and full of life. He loves to play and is always spreading joy wherever he goes.

kitten in guinea pig cone

Finn is the cutest little kitten who fits perfectly in his cone. He loves being around Chester, the resident cat, and never seems to tire of playing with him. Since Finn is healthy and strong, he has been introduced to another foster kitten named Frankie for supervised playtime. It’s safe to say that Finn’s playful spirit won’t be slowing down anytime soon!

kitten ginger finn, kitten guinea pig cone

The Twitter handle @babykittenrescue shared a heartwarming story about a cat named Frankie who was discovered with paralyzed back legs. However, thanks to a second chance, Frankie is now able to do almost everything that a regular cat can do. When he first met Finn, who was smaller in size, Finn displayed bravery and curiosity. He even followed Frankie around the house and demonstrated how to play with toys.

kitten friends playful

Finn and Frankie are two adorable kitten rescues that are just starting to bond and become friends. It’s heartwarming to witness their budding friendship develop as they explore the world together. Despite being small enough to wear guinea pig cones, Finn has a big personality and an undying belief in himself.

sweet ginger kitten finn

Spread the word about this tale with your buddies. You can find further updates about Finn and Baby Kitten Rescue by following them on Instagram @babykittenrescue or Facebook.