Why Kody Brown Should Consider Divorcing Robyn from Sister Wives

Kody Brown, the patriarch of Sister Wives, may not be in love with his only remaining wife, Robyn Brown. While they were once deeply in love, the passage of time and the pressure of parenting and dealing with media criticism have taken a toll on their relationship. Though they share children and maintain a bond, the passion and chemistry may no longer be there. Additionally, Robyn’s desire for monogamy has raised questions about whether Kody should continue their relationship. Despite this, Kody has options and could potentially seek out a new and younger wife, although this would likely cause disruption.

Sister Wives' Kody Brown Never Wants to See Wives 'Sharing a Kitchen'

The honeymoon phase is over for Robyn and Kody. Like most relationships, the initial spark fizzles out after a couple of years, leading to a comfortable companionship. While this can be valuable, it seems that Robyn and Kody’s friendship may have dwindled. Robyn has spoken out about her marriage, expressing that another wife would make her feel disrespected. By doing so, she may have breached the boundaries of their safe space and damaged their bond. Polygamist men like Kody need to feel important and in control of their households. With Robyn telling him what to do, their dynamic has changed. There’s a threatening quality to her words, implying that if Kody takes another spouse, their relationship could be over. Robyn is known for her manipulative tendencies, so it’s unlikely that she made those statements without good reason.