“A Heartwarming Tale of a College Kitten Rescued from the Cold, Embracing Warmth and Love One Step at a Time”

One day, a college campus kitten who was rescued from the cold, decided to look for some love and attention after being given a second chance at life.

purrito kitten

Ginny, a TNR rescuer and foster carer, received a distress call earlier this week about a kitten that needed immediate assistance. The kitten was spotted by workers at the college cafeteria who were disposing of trash when they noticed the kitten limping. Later, they found the kitten hiding in the trash and not moving, prompting them to contact Ginny for help. Upon arrival, Ginny discovered that the kitten was emaciated, cold to the touch, and barely responsive. The kitten lay in the cat carrier with his eyes half-closed, hardly breathing at all.

kitten in blankets

A kitten was discovered outside a college cafeteria in the cold, and Ginny (@poetheblue) immediately stepped in to help. She took action to regulate the kitten’s body temperature back to normal by covering him with warm blankets and keeping him close to her with a heating disk and heater nearby. While caring for the weak kitten, Ginny comforted him with words of love and support. Despite the uncertain outcome, Ginny remained hopeful and determined to provide the kitten with the warmth and affection he deserved.

kitten stays warm

Ginny took care of him by providing blankets and heat sources to make him warm. She named him Westley after a character from the Princess Bride movie, as he was nearly lifeless when she found him. However, Ginny had faith that he would recover just like his namesake. While she was rubbing him gently, the cat’s purr motor began to rumble faintly, indicating that he was beginning to feel better.

kitten wrapped in blankets

After a while, he felt more lively and had a meal to fill his stomach. Ginny, who goes by the username @poetheblue, recounted that she raised the little creature’s head and observed him. She judged that he was comfortable enough to be given some food, and without delay, the creature ate it all up. This moment filled Ginny with hope that the creature would survive.

sweet tabby kitten

Westley managed to pull through the night and even showed signs of strength as he was able to eat his food without any assistance. It was a joyous moment for Ginny, who felt relieved knowing that Westley had survived. As he drifted off to sleep, Westley was embraced by an abundance of warmth and love. For those interested in seeing the adorable kitten in action, there is a video available on YouTube featuring Westley. The following day, Westley woke up feeling much better. After a visit to the vet, it was determined that Westley was approximately seven weeks old and the reason behind his limping was finally identified.

sweet tabby kitten

Ginny from @poetheblue shared an update on Westley’s progress, saying that he is now walking much better and displaying newfound strength. However, it was revealed that he had sustained damage to his Lumbar 7/Sacral 1 vertebrae spinal column, which could potentially affect his mobility. Despite this, the vet staff advised against surgery and recommended limiting his physical activity. There were also doubts about whether Westley could use the litter box independently, but the resilient tabby proved everyone wrong by persevering through it all.

kitten big eyes

Ginny, who goes by the Twitter handle @poetheblue, shared an adorable update about her cat Westley. The fluffy tabby had recently regained strength in his legs and wasted no time exploring his new surroundings. In no time at all, Westley discovered the litter box and even managed to use it with ease, despite any previous doubts!

beautiful tabby kitten

Westley, Ginny’s foster kitten, has managed to learn how to use the litter box all by himself. This little feline’s appetite has also increased, causing him to gain some weight. Westley is now a big fan of cuddle sessions and would purr non-stop whenever his foster mom pets him. It’s incredible how much this kitten’s personality has changed in such a short time; in less than a week, he has become an affection-seeking cuddle-bug.

Ginny, a cat lover with the handle @poetheblue, finds pure joy in giving pets and snuggles to her feline friend named Westley. She revealed that Westley craves attention so much that he meows when she stops petting him. This cute behavior only inspires Ginny to give him more love and affection.

She also shared that Westley is doing well in terms of his health as he is eating heartily and becoming more comfortable around people each day. In fact, one of the individuals who found him showed interest in adopting him. It’s a happy ending for this lucky kitty!

tabby kitten westley

Whenever Ginny enters the room, Westley eagerly flops onto his side, hoping to receive some affectionate rubs and snuggles. It’s clear that he’s over the moon about having a cozy home, delicious meals, and an abundance of cuddles at his disposal.

Feeling joyful and appreciated