“Heartwarming Tale of Three Sightless Felines – Meet Odin, Loki, and Shadow!”

As far as I’m concerned, every cat is a stunning creature. Their appearance, whether it’s their coat, tail, or face, doesn’t matter to me. When I stumbled upon the profiles of Odin, Loki, and Shadow, I couldn’t help but get emotional. I was immediately taken with this adorable trio of cats who are living their best lives in Switzerland. Although their visual impairment makes them stand out from your average feline, their effortless beauty is simply captivating.

I have always had a soft spot for cats with special needs, and I truly admire those who choose to adopt them, treating them just like any other cat. Every cat, regardless of their circumstances, deserves to be loved unconditionally.




How did you end up with Odin, Loki, and Shadow as your furry companions? Well, it all started back in late 2020 when my partner and I visited a local rescue center. There we met a litter of four kittens who were suffering from badly infected eyes after being found on a farm. Two of the kittens were blind, while the other two still had one good eye each.

Initially, we were hesitant to adopt the blind cats as we came across several scary articles online about caring for them. Therefore, we decided to adopt the two kittens with one good eye each, whom we named Odin and Hana. Sadly, Hana passed away six months later due to an unexpected illness.

We decided to contact the rescue center in search of a new friend for Odin. To our surprise, they informed us that his original blind littermates had just been returned. Initially, we were not prepared to take on three blind cats but went to meet them anyway. However, upon meeting them, we were taken aback by their sweet personalities, and the decision to adopt them was made in an instant. Therefore, that’s how Odin, Loki, and Shadow became a part of our family.




How did you decide on your pets’ names?
Our decision for naming our one-eyed cat Odin was inspired by the Norse god who also had one eye. According to legends, Odin sacrificed an eye in exchange for wisdom, which is not the case with our kitty. We looked for Norse-themed names for his blind siblings, and we chose Loki for our ginger girl. The deity Loki, who can change shape and gender, seemed fitting. Our all-black cat Shadow was named after the protagonist in Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods,” which has ties to Norse mythology.
How do they interact with each other?
Despite being separated for six months, our cats Shadow and Loki established a close bond with their brother Odin upon their reunion. Although they don’t cuddle often, they sleep on our bed together and enjoy playing and wrestling with each other. Our little blind Loki even chases and bites her bigger brothers’ butts for fun!




What words come to mind when describing their personalities?
Loki, being a unique ginger female, exudes sass and confidence as our boss lady. She has a playful nature, often starting fights and chasing her brothers while enjoying shredding cardboard and paper. When it comes to showing affection, she becomes an assertive cuddler, knocking things over in her eagerness to get every inch of her body under your hand simultaneously.

If you’re a cat lover, then you’ll definitely enjoy reading about our collection of cats in captivity. One of our cats, Shadow, is an adorable gentle giant who loves to climb onto people’s shoulders and purr like there’s no tomorrow. He’s always calm around his siblings but will defend his territory when necessary, without being pushy.
We also have Odin, who happens to be the only cat we have that can see. He’s a silly cat with a funny face who loves to play wrestle with his blind siblings, even though he usually ends up losing. He’s a cuddly cat that loves to lay on top of us and breathe very loudly, which happens to be his way of purring.
As for their favorite hobbies, all three of them love clicker training, and yes, even the blind cats can be trained. They also enjoy playing with various toys like paper bags, ping pong balls, cardboard boxes, and tunnels. On warmer days, they love to hang out on our big secured balcony and soak up the smells and sounds of the neighborhood. They also love running around and wrestling with each other, which sometimes keeps us awake at night due to all the crashing and trampling noises.


Do you want to know what makes Odin, Loki, and Shadow unique? Well, I created their Instagram account to prove that blind cats are just as capable as any other cat. They may occasionally bump into things, but they make amazing pets and companions. In fact, I have received messages from other blind cat owners who found my account helpful and comforting. So, I decided to start a website, ayeayekitty.com, to share my experiences and tips on living with blind cats. Please consider adopting a blind kitty! A big thank you to Anna, the human of Odin, Loki, and Shadow, for letting me share their stories and adorable photos with Cattitude Daily readers. Check out ayeayekitty on Instagram and their website for more on these fantastic felines. Kudos to Anna for making a difference in the lives of her cats and showing others the beauty of adopting blind cats.