From Parking Lot Prowler to Office Chair Connoisseur: A Cat’s Journey to the Good Life

From jumping around in a parking lot to claiming every seat in the office, this feline named Brock is surely living his best life at the Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue.

Cat Went from Hopping Around in Parking Lot to Hogging Every Chair in the  Office, Living the Good Life - Love Meow

A gray tabby cat with a swollen paw was discovered hobbling on three legs in a parking lot. A kindhearted person, who regularly assists stray animals, decided to rescue the feline and provide medical care. The rescuers mentioned that the cat, named Brock, willingly allowed them to pick him up and take him home.

During his recovery, Brock’s favorite activities included trying to eat everything in sight and lounging on the end table next to the couch to watch TV with his caregivers. Known for his lively personality and attention-seeking antics, Brock quickly became a beloved member of the Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue.

Brock’s charm and affectionate nature won over the hearts of everyone at the rescue center. As he recovered from his injury, his true personality began to shine through. Despite his injury, Brock demanded to be with people at all times, using his persuasive tactics to win over their attention.

Cat Went from Hopping Around in Parking Lot to Hogging Every Chair in the  Office, Living the Good Life - Love Meow

Recently, he started spending time with the office staff, overseeing their work in his own unique way. He quickly became known as the office cat, and that’s when the chair theft began.

If someone gets up from their chair for even a moment, they can expect to find Brock settled comfortably in it when they return. He lounges as if the chair belongs to him, making it his unofficial throne.

Brock is such a cozy sight that his coworkers can’t bear to disturb him, even when they need their seat back. They either stand, find another chair, or contort themselves to reach their desk.

When Brock isn’t stealing chairs or napping at work, he’s busy exploring, seeking attention, and playing with enthusiasm. He’s quite the character in the office!

As people enter the office, Brock welcomes them with a friendly meow or chirp, hoping for some pets. When he gets the attention he craves, he looks like he’s grinning from ear to ear, enjoying every moment.

“He’s a silly and expressive cat who adores pets, treats, and playtime. He gets along well with other cats but prefers to be the main male in charge.”

Brock may be around eight years old and FIV+, but with regular vet check-ups and care, he can have a long, happy, and healthy life. And of course, continue his reign over the office chairs as the beloved office cat.

Cat Went from Hopping Around in Parking Lot to Hogging Every Chair in the  Office, Living the Good Life - Love Meow

“He spends the majority of his day lounging around, swiping chairs, slacking off on his responsibilities, and just enjoying his playtime. Despite his advanced age, he still manages to grab all the attention and have fun without a care in the world.”

Brock is always on the prowl for a cozy chair to claim as his own, bringing laughter and joy to those around him at Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue.

“He has brought nothing but happiness since his arrival, being a complete cuddle bug to everyone he meets.”

Spread the word about Brock the cat and his adventures at Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue by checking out their Instagram and Facebook pages.

Don’t forget to check out the heartwarming story of how Brock found his forever home after being brought to the shelter with kittens, making it a Christmas wish come true after almost 100 days.